6 Reasons Plantskydd is the #1 choice of professional growers, landscapers & foresters


Over 30 years, Plantskydd has been proven by independent research to out-last and out-perform all other-repellents— up to 6 months over-winter! (Read Field Trials)


Plantskydd emits an odor that animals associate with predator activity, stimulating a fear-based response which results in animals looking elsewhere to dine.

Research has proven odor based repellents are more effective than other repellent systems.

Animals avoid plants before they bite – not after!


Unlike other repellents, Plantskydd does not require re-application after rain or irrigation and provides the longest lasting over-winter protecion of any repellent available.

Plantskydd’s long-term effectiveness is attributable to its tenacity in sticking to plants—even under severe snow/rainfall conditions—90+ days on dormant plants, 30+ days in spring/summer. Always treat new growth!


SAFE for use in vegetable gardens, on fruit trees and food crops.


Plantskydd is the first animal repellent listed by the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) for use in organic production. (See OMRI Listings)


Plantskydd comes in 3 FORMULATIONS for maximum effectiveness and user convenience:

Liquid/Premixed – With a quick application your plants, above 2 feet tall, will be protected all season long.

Granular – With our ready-to-use shaker bag or a spreader (for larger areas), quickly create a primeter around plants to deter smaller critters. Works complimentary with Liquid Premix for those extra pesky deer.

Powder Concentrate – To Protect larger areas, simply mix our wettable powder concentrate into your sprayers.


Plantskydd has a built in Nitrogen fertilizer (12 N) – leading to bigger, healthier plants.

Here’s What They Say

“We grow and sell hosta that the deer love to eat.”

LANDMARK GARDENS Our “nursery” is centered around our home on a 25 acre totally wooded area. We grow and sell hosta and other shade companions that the deer love to eat. I have tried MANY deer control products but found Plantskydd® early this spring and said, oh well, might as well try one more new… Read More

Plantskydd Testimonials

New Zealand – Repels wild goats, deer, rabbits and hares I have used Plantskydd successfully to repel wild goats, deer, rabbits and hares on newly planted seedlings. However in New Zealand we have a problem with a bird known as pukeko ( Porphyrio porphyrio melanotus) which is a member of the rail and coot family. The… Read More

Plantskydd Testimonials

There is not a single sign of rabbit damage.  This product is magic !!!   Thank you, for introducing Plantskydd! The price of the package I bought cost us about the same as one plant that the @#$%^& rabbit destroyed last year. And he/she totaled about 30 of them on continuing basis. Our garden is now… Read More

Dr. W. Davis Martin Research Biologist Testimonial

I am in the Agricultural Research business and have first hand experience with the damage caused each year by rabbit, deer and other animals not only in my own research plots but also to growers fields in general.  This type of damage cost the agricultural and forestry industry millions annually and appears to be on… Read More

Plantskydd Testimonials

Deer avoided plants for as much as half the year. Even the raccoons found other gardens to pilfer from.   I trialed Plantskydd several years ago in an area of severely high deer pressure. Rabbits and voles were also a problem. We applied the product in the early spring. The test area was a large vegetable and… Read More

Plantskydd Testimonials

Roses for the first time in years too!   Best stuff! I finally have flowers in my front yard after more than 5 years! You have no idea how grateful I am. 6 out of 8 houses on my cul-de-sac are using this product. Roses for the first time in years too! Thank you SOOO… Read More

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