Application Instructions
The following refers to damage from deer specifically;
contact us for voles or rabbits at (1-800-252-6051).
Can you spray borders?
On fields where plants are shorter than knee high (VC & V3), spray entire field as deer can walk over treated plants. Once plants have a good canopy, spraying borders works well (90+ feet) because the repellent is odor based. The product is made from specially processed red blood cells and deer really don’t like the smell. When deer can’t see what’s in the field, they rely on their sense of smell to detect danger.
Spray entire field after leaves emerge and open up, V1 latest. Spray again 10-14 days later with post-emergent herbicide. In high pressure areas, a third border application may be necessary.
When do you start seeing deer damage in the field: a) emergence, b) knee high or c) silking? At emergence, spray entire field, then spray again 10-14 days later. At knee high, border treatments work well (90+ feet). At silking, drive around outside the field spraying into first few rows (e.g. with an ATV sprayer).
Rates on commodity crops
We recommend 1lb/10gal/acre for commodity crops. If more water is used, more Plantskydd is recommended (see Dilution Rates chart below). Follow the recommended rates and water volume for your herbicides and add Plantskydd accordingly.
Dilution rates
Young deciduous trees and vines (non-bearing) and ornamental plants | Spot spray | 1 lb / 5 gal | up to 5 gal per acre |
Young deciduous trees and vines (non-bearing) and ornamental plants | Broadcast | 1 lb / 10 gal | 30 to 50 gal per acre |
Field crop application (during fast growth phase, non-bearing) | Ground | 1 lb / 10 gal | 10 to 15 gal per acre |
Field crop application (during fast growth phase, non-bearing) | Aerial | 1 lb / 5 gal | 5 gal per acre |
Conifers and dormant deciduous trees | Spot spray | 1 lb / 1 gal | 8000 seedlings / bag |
Frequency of application
Fast growth (emergence / bud break) | 10 to 14 days |
Leaf hardening (mid-summer) | 21 to 31 days |
Dormancy | 90+ days |
Fruit and nut trees and grape vines
On newly planted trees and vines, spot spray at 1lb/5gal/acre (see Dilution Rates chart above). When broadcasting, use as little water as possible and direct spray to top of plants (shutting nozzles or using optical sensors), and use a dilution rate of 1lb/10 gallons, e.g. 3lb/30gal/acre.
Re-application interval: space out applications at bud burst, tight leaf cluster, leaf differentiation, leaf hardening (see Frequency of Application chart above).
Overwinter protection
On dormant trees (such as conifers) over winter, spot spray at 1lb/1gal for 3+ months of protection
Mixing Instructions
Plantskydd is a wettable powder that requires vigorous agitation. Add defoaming agent to water first. A few ounces in advance of mixing is all it takes. 50 mesh internal strainers recommended.
Instructional mixing video for 20 lb Plantskydd +Plus Wettable Powder Concentrate
Instructional mixing video for 22 lb Plantskydd Wettable Powder Concentrate
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