Cats are carnivorous animals with a long relationship with humans. These beloved pets can be a joy to have around, that is if they’re not destroying your garden.
Plantskydd Animal Repellent repels by emitting an odor browsing animals (herbivores) associated with predator activity. Carnivores do not react the same as their senses and instincts differ from herbivores.
Did you know?
Egyptians mummified their beloved pets for their journey to the next world—accompanied by mummified mice!
Litter garden – Cats often use gardens and sandboxes are their personal litter boxes. This can be hazardous due to their ability to host bacteria which can be passed to humans.
Bird population – It’s estimated that 140 million songbirds and small animals are killed annually by cats. This draws concerns from bird lovers and gardeners alike.
And, if you’re having issues with deer, rabbits, voles or other herbivores, try Plantskydd!