I’ve used Plantskydd for decades.

Up in Oregon the Christmas tree business would cease to exist w/out it. Elk and deer bite off the growing tip of the tree and then it grows erratically and becomes unsellable. I had a couple hundred roses when I lived in Oregon, where roses grow perfectly. Other deer repellents w/ bitter tastes would make the leaves unpalatable so the deer would come in the yard and nip off every single bud just before they opened! Besides that, the spray would get in your mouth and on your clothes. The deer were in the yard at 3 am every night.

I tried Plantskydd and it was so obnoxious to them they literally walked down the street to avoid setting hoof in my yard. My roses suddenly were blooming like crazy. I sprayed it on the ground near the Swiss Chard and the rabbits left them alone. Plantskydd stops every critter that eats plants because it’s made of stabilized blood and critters don’t like the taste of blood on their salads. Besides that, it lasts SIX MONTHS on the plant, snow, rain, sun whatever, even here in Florida where it saves my beans from rabbits. The
plants literally used it as fertilizer. The only downside is when you spray it the garden smells like a
mortuary for a couple hours. Once it’s dried you can’t smell it; only the critters can. It also would stop
horses from grazing protected areas and keep Moose away, too, I’m certain. I take the liquid
Plantskydd and dilute it down to about 20% and found it still works just as well if you want to stretch

If you love your plants and you’re having problems w/ herbivores this stuff works when all the rest
fails. Try it.

— Bob S.

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