We have now completed preliminary pen trials of Plantskydd® against both possums and wild rabbits. I enclose copies of the data which show the % of individual trees remaining over time, using Treepel as a positive treatment.
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With the results achieved in our use of Plantskydd®, we have also recommended it to our property owners, who are equally impressed with the results.
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We’ve been using Plantskydd® for almost two years now with about ninety-five percent efficiency.
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Since applying Plantskydd® deer browsing has stopped!
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If we hadn’t sprayed, we would have lost thousands of dollars in manpower and plantings.
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Even the crabapple trees we replanted were left alone, and let me tell you, elk love crabapple trees. No more browsing, no more rubbing.
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We have used all of the deer repellents out there. Plantskydd Deer Repellent is the only one that has done the job for us !
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