Zero deer damage to organic sweet potatoes

Sassafras Creek Farm is an 80 acre organic farm located in Southern Maryland. Their goal is to: produce exceptionally delicious, fresh and healthy food for our community.

For years they had struggled with deer damage on a couple key acres of sweet potatoes. Prior to trying Plantskydd, they had used Egg & Hot Sauce based repellent, which had been an expensive undertaking. 

Spraying this morning after two large rain events over the past two weeks. Zero deer damage! Saw five deer this morning in a very nearby field. They ran past the sweets like they didn’t know they existed. Thank you

David Paulk, Owner, Sassafras Creek Farm
Leonardtown, Maryland

For Sassafras, harvest time was a celebration like never before. For the first time ever, they had zero deer damage.

Sassafras Creek Farm - rows of sweet potatoes protected with Plantskydd Deer Repellent
InputRate per acre
Plantskydd Wettable Powder3 lb per 30 gallons water
Nufilm P spreader-sticker6oz per 100 gallons water
Sassafrass Farms 2020 sweet potato harvest - zero damage after treating with Plantskydd Organic Deer Repellent

Don’t they look great? 

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It’s A Natural Animal Repellent.

100% Natural Plantskydd is the first animal repellent listed by the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) for use in organic production.

Protect your bulbs, flowers, trees and shrubs with Plantskydd

Proven suitable for use in the production of organic foods

Vineyards: Controlling Deer and Ground Squirrel Damage

We attribute at least a 30% improvement in yield on the 1,000 acres that were treated with the product in this operational trial. This represents well over $1 million

Rabbit Damage to Hops Reduced with Plantskydd

Last year we experienced almost a 25% loss due to rabbit and rodent feeding. This year, with the application of Plantskydd, it was 2–3%.

Managing Deer Damage to Young Pecan Trees

Damage to the trees was dramatically reduced immediately after the first application of Plantskydd and complete control was achieved once adequate coverage was achieved. By the end of summer, browse damage from deer was virtually eliminated.

Preventing Sunflower Deer Damage with Plantskydd

Sunflowers protected with Plantskydd Deer Rabbits Voles Repellent

We firmly believe the application of Plantskydd gave us a decent sunflower harvest for wintertime bird feeding!

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